Checklist for a GST Invoice | Top 8 Rules You must follow

GST Compliance

In the era of digital transformation and transparency, today we have many software and facilities for issuing GST-compliant invoices. Certainly, all the software issue tax invoices which are different in their formats. It must contain certain details which are mandatory by law. Also one must issue such invoices within a stipulated time frame. A valid and complete invoice in itself must contain and comply with the guidelines issued by GST tax regulations.

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Catsbill– a lifetime free GST software is complete in itself a useful platform that makes you issue GST-compliant bills. Not only it is the easiest and fastest but also it is free, and it offers certain features that other software provides only in the paid feature. 

The checklist mentioned below will certainly aid to ensure that the tax invoice issued is valid and compliant with GST laws. Also, it can help one understand if the GST invoice received by the supplier is complete or lacks some information for the ones who need them for claiming INPUT CREDIT on them.

Name and Address and GSTIN

A GST-compliant invoice must contain the complete Name and Address of the supplier as it is used for the registration of GSTIN. Complete information must be there. Further, the most important component is the GSTIN number. It should be complete, and legit, and must be mentioned in the tax invoice.

A consecutive serial number and date of issue

The date of issuing the invoice makes an important element in the invoice. Gst invoices must be issued in a time frame stated by GST laws.

If there is a supply of service, the invoice must be issued within 30 days from the date of supply.

Further, all the invoices must contain a serial number for a particular financial year.

If there are supply goods with movement, the invoice must be issued at the time of removal of goods and

Quantity and value of goods

An invoice must mention the number of goods if there is a supply of goods. Further, the complete value of goods must be mentioned in the bill.

Rate of tax and amount of tax

A complete distribution of CGST, SGST, IGST, and UTGST must be mentioned on a tax invoice with the rate of tax. The amount of tax for each must be indicated.

GSTIN of Recipient

If the recipient is registered, the GSTIN must be mentioned on the invoice but in case the recipient is not registered and the value of goods pertains to be more than 50000, in that case, one must mention the name and address of the recipient along with the address of delivery, followed by State name and code.


The HSN or SAC number must be mentioned on the tax invoice in case the supplier’s turnover turns out to be more than 1.5 crores.

Copies of Invoice 

In case of a supply of goods, the invoice should be prepared in triplicate- Original to be kept by the recipient, duplicate by the transporter, and triplicate by the supplier.

In case of the supply of services, the invoice should be prepared in duplicate- Original to be kept by the recipient, duplicate by the supplier.


Certainly, a GST-compliant invoice must contain a digital signature of the supplier or the authorized representative must put a signature in person on the same.

This is a small and compact easy to interpret quick checklist for GST-compliant invoices. One quick look can help you with an understanding of the mandatory points that must be a part of the GST invoice incorporated per GST tax invoice rules for one to be least worried about the same. Opt CATSBILL, a GST billing software that helps you issue GST-compliant bills easily and digitally.

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